Call For Paper


Articles submitted in the form of scientific papers such as research results, judicial decisions, theoretical studies, literature studies or conceptual critical consultations should be objective, systematic, analytical and descriptive. From a wide range of topics that researchers can choose from, JHP will put more attention to the papers focusing on the sociology of law, living law, legal philosophy, history of national law, customary law, literature studies, international law and cross-sectional (interdisciplinary) studies, and empirical studies. In line with the transformation we have undertaken, the scope of the journal and the possibility of acceptance are based solely on juridical normative and description of invitation regulations and the number are limited.

  • The paper has neither been published nor submitted to other journals.
  • The paper is written in good English. It is allowed to use spelling either in British or American as long as it is consistent.
  • The papaer should be written and saved in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect; Garamond font style 12 pt, single spaced, right and left including table of contents and footnotes, A4 paper size; margin 4 cm on the top and left and 3 cm on the right and bottom.
  • The number of words counted between 7.000-12.000 words in length, inclusive of tables, figures, references, notes, the abstract, and the title.