Konstruksi Relasi Kesejahteraan Hakim Dengan Kualitas Kinerja Yudisial Yang Berkeadilan


  • Fifit Fitri Lutfianingsih Affiliation: Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Jonaedi Efendi Affiliation: Universitas Bhayangkara Surabaya, Indonesia




Kualitas Putusan, Kesejahteraan Hakim, Keadilan


The relationship between the welfare of judges and the quality of decisions is an interesting legal issue. Besides theoretically not many have discussed it, empirically this topic has become a massive discussion, especially among judges. This article is one of the important and original contributions to fill the void of research related to the relationship between judge welfare and the quality of decisions. The research is based on three problem formulations 1) How do judges view their current and expected salaries? 2) How is the relationship and influence between judges' welfare and the quality of decisions? 3) How is the construction of the relationship between judges' welfare and the quality of justice decisions? This research is included in empirical legal research with a socio legal approach. The technique of collecting legal materials and data was obtained by in-depth interviews with respondents who had been determined by purposive sampling technique. The findings of the study resulted in; First, the welfare of judges is still relatively lacking, this is seen in terms of professional responsibilities and workload as well as from several comparisons of judges' salaries in several countries. Second, there is an indirect relationship between judges' welfare and the quality of decisions and the relationship between the two has a positive effect. Third, the construction of a positive relationship between judges' welfare and the quality of decisions. This is legitimised theoretically from the perspective of both economic theory and legal realism. Empirically, it is concluded that although the welfare of judges is not an instrument to produce just decisions, empirically the welfare of judges is a necessity.


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How to Cite

Lutfianingsih, F. F., & Jonaedi Efendi. (2024). Konstruksi Relasi Kesejahteraan Hakim Dengan Kualitas Kinerja Yudisial Yang Berkeadilan. Judex Laguens, 2(3), 305–324. https://doi.org/10.25216/ikahi.




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